Diagnostic services play a crucial role in identifying and treating various health conditions. Lab testing is essential in diagnosing diseases and health issues not visible to the naked eye.

However, getting accurate results from lab tests is not just about choosing the right diagnostic services. Timing is also crucial to ensure lab results are as accurate as possible. Here’s how timing improves results for some of the most common lab tests.

Flu Test

The flu is a viral infection that can be deadly, especially for vulnerable populations such as the elderly and young children. In this case, the best time to get tested for flu is within the first two days of developing symptoms because the virus is most active and detectable.

Mono Screening

Testing for mononucleosis, commonly known as mono, is a process that involves screening for the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). This virus is transmitted through saliva, and the symptoms of mono include fatigue, fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes.

The mono screening test usually involves a blood test to check for antibodies to the EBV. The test is usually conducted if a person shows symptoms of mono or has been in close contact with someone diagnosed with the virus.

Blood Sugar Test

Checking your blood sugar level is an important part of managing diabetes. The test measures the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. The optimal period for checking blood sugar levels varies depending on the individual and the type of diabetes they have. Some people may need to check their blood sugar levels multiple times a day, while others may only need to check once a day or a few times a week.

Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy tests detect human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or blood. Most mothers are unaware of their pregnancy until they miss a period, so taking a pregnancy test is important to confirm it. If the test is positive, it is recommended to make an appointment with a healthcare provider for prenatal care.

However, false negatives can occur if the test is too early or the urine dilutes. Hence, many professionals recommend waiting until a missed period or at least a week after the missed period to take the test for more accurate results.

Strep Throat Screening

Strep throat is a bacterial ailment that can cause sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. People screening for strep throat usually undergo a rapid or throat culture test. The usual time to screen for strep throat is when a person experiences symptoms such as sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever. The rapid strep test involves swabbing the back of the throat to obtain a sample and testing it for streptococcus bacteria. 

Occult Blood Test

An occult blood test detects hidden blood in stools for colon cancer. Hence, you should get tested when there are no dietary restrictions. Some foods and medications can affect the test results, so follow your doctor’s instructions.

Final Thoughts

The best time to get tested depends on the test type and the diagnosed health condition. It is essential to follow any dietary restrictions provided by your doctor and to get tested as soon as possible after developing symptoms. If you need urgent care, choosing a diagnostic service that offers timely and accurate lab testing is important to ensure you receive the best care.

In & Out Urgent Care Clinic understands that medical emergencies can occur without warning. Our state-of-the-art New Orleans facility offers prompt and professional diagnostic services for all your urgent care needs. From X-rays to blood tests, our experienced medical professionals are equipped to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatments to get you back on your feet. Visit In & Out Urgent Care Clinic for immediate attention today.